Thank you to all the small businesses, organizations, friends, family, and volunteers who help make PQP happen!

2024 Business & Organization Supporters

2 Crows Brewing
Anne Sinclair Architect
Bell Island Pottery Studio
Benjamin Bridge
Black Rock Books 
Block Shop Books
Bluenose Lodge

Copy Shop Books
Daytime People
East Coast Pop Ups

Eli’s Creative Corner
Famous Town Pie Shop
Gaspereau Press
Homegrown Skateboards
LaHave Bakery
Luke’s Small Goods (Halifax)
Lunenburg Barnacle
Lunenburg Bound Books/Good Dog Books
Lunenburg Foundation for the Arts (LFA)
Melissa Morrison Jewellery
Municipality of District of Lunenburg
Nellie Row
Nº9 Coffee Bar

OK Sea Salt
Pearl’s Vintage
Petite Riviere General Store
Ploughman’s Lunch
Rivercroft Regenerative Farm

Shack Up Cabins
Sobey’s Bridgewater
Soil Mates Farm
Superstore Bridgewater
The Unseen Realm
Tilia Builders
Vie de Garçons
Water Market (South Shore)

2023 Business & Organization Supporters

Astor Theatre
Ben Swanson Photography
Block Shop Books
Cargo Site Builder
Cosby’s Garden Centre
Gaspereau Press
The Groundwork
Homegrown Skateboards
The Kitchen Witch
LaHave Bakery
Lunenburg Barnacle
Lunenburg Bound Books & Paper
Lunenburg Foundation for the Arts (LFA)
MODL – Community Event Grant
Nevermore Press/Copy Shop Books & Studio
Nº9 Coffee Bar
OK Sea Salt
Petite General Store
Ploughman’s Lunch
Queens municipality
Rumtopf Farms
Sobey’s (Bridgewater)
South Shore Awesome Foundation
South Shore Goblins
South Shore Sexual Health
Superstore (Bridgewater)
The Water Market (South Shore)

2022 Business & Organization Supporters

Allison Tremain Studio
Block Shop Books
Cake & Loaf Bakery
Craig Thompson, RMT
Gaspereau Press
Homegrown Skateboards
Honey Tree Farm
LaHave Bakery
Lunenburg Bound Books & Paper
Lunenburg Rum Cakes
Nevermore Press
Nº9 Coffee Bar
Nova Scotia Health Authority
OK Sea Salt
Pleasant Hill Farms
Ploughman’s Lunch
Rumtopf Farm
RVT Studio
Shack Up Cabin
Sobey’s Bridgewater
Soil Mates Farm
Superstore Bridgewater
Sweet Fern Farm

Schedule Supporters
CLAMS Grant Donate
Merch FAQ

📍 South Shore of Mi’kma’ki

© Petite Queer Pride (PQP) 2024

Photo archive 
